The Image of the wall is clear: the fear of the other. It is, of course, the wall on a neighborhood or territory scale - not the low wall that surrounds the garden of the house - the wall that divides, opposes, attacks. It produces an illusory power and delays the resolution of conflicts, the exchange of words, the most basic urbanity. The builder of walls is a polluter of humanity! He doesn't even imagine that the wall, any wall, suggests freedom, calls for departure, for adventure.
Thierry Paquot (Urban anthropologist)
L’Immagine del muro è chiara: la paura dell’altro. Si tratta, certo, del muro a misura di quartiere o di territorio-non del muretto che cinge il giardino di casa- del muro che divide, oppone, aggredisce. Produce una potenza illusoria e ritarda la soluzione dei conflitti, lo scambio di parole, la più elementare urbanità. Il costruttore di muri è un inquinatore dell’umanità! Non immagina nemmeno che il muro, qualsiasi muro, suggerisce la libertà, richiama alla partenza, all’avventura.
Thierry Paquot (Antropologo Urbano)
Professional actress, cantadora, theater and yoga trainer for children, teenagers and adults. She has collaborated for both independent theaters and stable theaters, she has worked with various directors including: Renzo Martinelli, Davide Iodice, Leo Muscato, Serena Sinigaglia, Andrea De Carlo, Simon McBurny, Renato Sarti, Gigi Dall'Aglio, Balletto Civile Michela Lucenti, Sergio Ferrentino, Massimo Luconi, Emilio Isgrò, Fabio Sonzogni, Company of the Egg and Stabile dell'Aquila, Company Odemà, Porthole of Oblivion, Claudio Autelli, Gianni Lamanna, Teatro del Singhiozzo, I Bugiardi, Company Tac Teatro, Campo Teatrale, Association Fifth Part, OppArt, Manovalanza, Teatro dell Formiche, Mercedes Martini etc..
Special mention at the National Competition for the Hystrio Vocation Award in 2007.
Winner of the 2008 Young Realities of Theater National Award, Nico Pepe Civic Academy.
Winner of the Audience Award and runner-up at the Perla del Tigullio Competition in Genoa 2012.
Winner of the Press Prize and the Iterculture Prize at the Interculture Festival in Catania 2013 with the short "No potho reposare".
Winner of the Festival Act II Linguaggicreativi 2017 as best show voted by the public with one of her monologues: "Confessions of a Female Referee".
Winner of the Expos Call and Arci National Theater on stage 2020 with her monologue in homage to Gabriella Ferri : "Life as a song".
In 2001 she graduated as an Actress at the Paolo Grassi Civic Academy of Dramatic Arts in Milan.
In 2003 she graduated in Modern Literature at Tor Vergata, Rome.
In 2014 she specialized in Clown techniques at the Ecole Philippe Gaulier in Paris.
Before founding LeSetteAllegreRisatelle, her personal theatrical project and, therefore, before creating her own poetics and methodology,
she worked with Jury Ferrini, Gianrico Tedeschi, Gino Auriuso, Vania Castelfranchi, Antonella Caucci, Gabriele Vacis, Roberta Costantini, Daniele Timpano, Paolo Scannavino, Shaun Loftus, Garth Laughton, Peter Stein, Caterina Vitiello, Tiziana Aristarco, Giorgio Capitani, Enrico de Bernart, Giulia Oriani, Karlotta Erhenberg, Mimmo Strati, Cesare Cesarini, Gigi Saravo.
She collaborates with many Roman's and Lazio's cultural associations like: IDEE IN MOVIMENTO, ALT ACADEMY, TERRE VIVACI, GIOCARTE' and ON THE TOP OF OLYMPUS. Since 2017 she has been a stable actress at the San Carlino theater in Rome.
Two clowns across the world
With this project we want to collect the sounds and the voices of the city, we will ask questions such as: What do you need? Where do you feel welcomed? What is your dream? What is home? What is hospitality? What is the best thing to do now? What can be done through art today…? What can help? We will record the stories of those who will want to share them with us, we will discover another pieces of ourselves, another pieces of us all.
Go towards the others in a disposition of deep listening, with oneself and with the others, to open and allow acceptance…
Go towards the others not through information which today is very far from reality, most of the time,
but through open arms and open hearts. ​
Today, in a time when we are asked to stay separate, to stay away, clowns look with pure, innocent eyes, with the eyes of children, the eyes of stranger, the eyes of wonder.
"How do you heal someone without getting close?" Clowns ask, they cannot resist, clowns cannot stop trying to go beyond the walls that divide us and in doing so they cannot stop noticing and recording and enjoying the complexity and the richness of the countries and of the people they approach. The clown creates bridges where, through the wonder of continuous discoveries,
the miracle of the “I is YOU” is staged. The Other is You!
Today, in 2021, we are still hampered by the differences of skin, race and religions and so we are unable to see the substantial unity of all beings. All those differences keep up the lie.
But through the action of going torwards, going to listen, to learn, to meet, this lie is exposed. We have to dissolve the clichés that each and everyone of us has about strangers, different.
We are all human beings. Equal, brothers and sisters, all worthy of the same respect.
We must understand that our only possible cure lies in going towards the others to try to understand
how they are feeling and what they really think!