"And then one might ask: how did it go with the repeated choice of war in all these years? How do people live today in Afghanistan and Iraq, Libya and Syria and all the other places ravaged by violence? What do they have to eat, can they study, do they receive the care they need? How many dead did they had to cry, how much suffering to endure, how much horror did they had to see? I've never heard of it, from politicians and military. The life, dignity, freedom, suffering and death of people seem minor topics, even respectable but substantially marginal for those who feel the arduous task of supervising the destinies of the world on their shoulders. After all these years of war, the only reality, the only indisputable truth is that that tool, that choice, once again didn't work. War, even that which is invoked or waged to end other atrocities, "to end all wars", cannot work because it is in itself antithetical to the reasons that support it: war is the denial of all rights ". "Practicing relationships of solidarity is exactly the opposite of the logic of war and is indispensable for building a truly civilized society".
Gino Strada "One person at a time"
Perché un filo rosso lega le vite delle persone che, all’improvviso, si sono trovate spalle al muro. Quel filo rosso sono storie di persone comuni. Si vuole raccontare l’umanità all’ombra dei muri, quella alla quale nessuno ha chiesto cosa ne pensava prima di chiuderla dentro. Attraverso voci che, nonostante i muri, riescono ad alzarsi in punta di piedi e guardare oltre. Un racconto di saltatori di muri, che poi sono quelli che hanno sempre fatto la storia.
Christian Elia Oltre i muri, storie di comunità divise
Because a red thread binds the lives of people who suddenly found themselves against the wall. That red thread are stories of ordinary people. We want to tell the humanity in the shadow of the walls, the ones to which no one asked what they thought before locking them inside. Through voices that, despite the walls, manage to stand up on tiptoe and look beyond. A tale of wall jumpers, who are the ones who have always made history.
Christian Elia Beyond the walls, stories of divided communities